
Mission: Education, Good Living

About Us



To be a significant provider of economic and social development in Matabeleland South Province, partnering with government, and non-government institutions.



To promote interventions in the field of education which will contribute towards improving incomes, raising living standards and increasing educational attainment.

About Us

Here is who we are

Children Library Wing
Adults Library Wing

The Trust

Edward Ndlovu Memorial Trust (ENMT) is a registered welfare organisation (WO 15/90) that was established in 1990 in memorial of the heroic efforts and contribution of the late Zimbabwean National Hero Edward Ndlovu, who spent his life working for independence and development. The trust was formed in 1980 at the instigation of his widow, Mary. as a Non-Government Organisation. Trustees decided that a project that could contribute extensively to the benefit of both individuals and communities in his former constituency would be the most suitable way to remember Edward, and resolved to create a library. In 1996 it began its programme of reaching out to rural primary schools, using a rotating book-box approach. From then it has continued to develop and consolidate its activities serving the people of Gwanda town and district, and some from further afield.

Strategic Approach

Edward Ndlovu Memorial Trust (ENMT) elected to achieve its objectives through improving access to human rights, particularly the right to education and access to information as the key catalysts for change.

Theory of Change

Is that, when vulnerable people are empowered through access to education and information, they through their own efforts can apply their knowledge and skills to improve their situation and circumstances.

Programming Approaches

ENMT elected to apply a number of programming approaches to enable it to adequately deal with the key challenges facing the communities in Gwanda District. These approaches include the following:-

  • Human Rights Based Approach
  • Livelihoods Approach
  • Value Chain Approach
  • Disaster Risk Reduction
Solar powered dryer prodject
Community Circles Outreach
Solar powered irrigation
Schools Outreach

Our Proud Milestones